Thursday, April 28, 2016

How To Identify Liars and Fools --- They Talk About "Sovereign Citizens".

by Anna Von Reitz

There is no such thing.
It is a literal impossibility to be a "sovereign" and a "citizen" at the same time.
"Sovereign citizen" is an oxymoron.
The term "sovereign" cancels out the term "citizen" and vice versa.
Look up the legal definition of these two words and it will be absolutely, glaringly, and forever apparent.
So if you hear people talking about "sovereign citizens" or calling me or anyone else a "sovereign citizen"---- you now know for sure that they are in fact either (1) ignorant as Pat's Pig or (2) are part of the problem and trying to cause trouble by "labeling"---- a propaganda technique which you probably first encountered in grade school.
"Oh, Jenny is a ........." and "Johnny is a......." and so and so is something else.
Anyone who survived High School should hear this kind of gossip and have a retch response.
I do.
And I immediately "tune out" such people, because Number One--- they are divisive, and Number Two, if they don't know the difference between "sovereign" and "citizen"----what can they possibly contribute to the conversation?
The phrase that they are probably striving for and getting all bungled up is, "sovereigns without subjects"--- from United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay: " the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they truly are the sovereigns of this country, but they are sovereigns without subjects."
quoted in ALDEN v. MAINE, 527 U.S. 706 (1999) (2).
Please note--- we are talking about "people" being the "sovereigns" of this country, not "persons" being sovereign over themselves or anything else.
That is again why we are owed a government of the people, by the people and for the people, not of the persons, by the persons, and for the persons.
Wake up, wake up, wake up......
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website
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Common Law v. Admiralty Law, People v. Persons

by Anna Von Reitz

Our Forefathers CHOSE the system of Common Law based on the Law of Moses (Ten Commandments) as the Law of the Land and they chose men to serve as judges from among themselves in every county, state, and region. 

If we want to live under that system of law, we have to do the same thing. CHOOSE to live under Common Law, form a jural assembly for our communities as brilliantly summarized by the Michigan Jural Assembly which has already had their Common Law System in place for decades, elect judges to fill the vacant judicial offices, and live accordingly. 

This is the way this country was set up and so far as I am concerned, the way it is still supposed to run.  Those who don't want to accept that are outlaws.  Those who do are law abiding.  Simple as that. 

We are free to accept, amend, and reject laws within that system as every jury sees fit. That is why we have JURY NULLIFICATION  built into this whole process.