Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Restoring America, In Response to Bill Goode, Kingman, AZ

by Anna Von Reitz

This is what Bill wrote: 

Dear Friends and Family,
There is a specific movement occurring to restore America to the Constitution, and being the optimist I am, I expect it to occur soon (t his year).  This movement is utilizing the court system.  It is not civil disobedience, as was the case at the Oregon Standoff in January.  It most certainly is not a violent revolution, which is totally unworkable.  This process will make use of Common Law, US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
There are generally two types of courts in the United States - Article 3 courts established under Article 3 of the Constitution, and Article 4 courts established with regard to Article 4 of the Constitution.  All of these courts require the application of due process, as called for by the 5th Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime .... without due process of law ...." (my emphasis added)

​There are a group of individuals (not government officials in any way), who are attempting to subvert this restoration.  Some of them by name are "Judge" Bruce Doucette, "Judge" Gary Darby, "Judge" Anna Von Reitz and Joaquin Mariano.  The first three of these individuals have themselves attached the title of "Judge" to their names, with no election or appointment to such a position by any civil authority, as is commonly and appropriately practiced in government.  These individuals preach the Constitution, but fail to apply due process in their legal activities, presuming themselves to be Common Law Attorneys.  I personally have seen some of the documents they have attempted to apply, and there is no due process in them.
These individuals are seeking the arrest of presumably corrupt government offic ials by well meaning, but gullible and naive Constitutional sheriffs, without legal indictments, which denies due process to those arrested.  Those government officials may well be corrupt, but they should be allowed due process, just as anyone else.  These erroneous arrests would subvert the real legal process underway to restore the Constitution.
I am calling attention to these individuals to make known the falseness behind them and their erroneous intent.  They should be avoided and ignored.

Bill Goode
Kingman, AZ

This is what Judge Anna replied: