Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ancient Molmutine Laws of Britain

by Anna Von Reitz

Let us lament with King Solomon that there is "nothing new under the sun".  

When we go all the way back to the most distant roots of Law in Britain, we find the Molmutine Laws, which reveal the following tenets:

There are 3 tests of civil liberty:
- Equality of rights
- Equality of taxation
- Freedom to come and go

There are 3 causes which ruin a state
- inordinate privilege
- corruption of justice
- national apathy

There are 3 things that cannot be considered solid longer than their foundations are solid
- peace
- prosperity
- law

And let us lament that the Checks and Balances which are foundational to keeping our lawful government in operation have been undermined by bribes from corporations called "federal block grants". 

As a result our peace, our prosperity and our system of law is in grave danger.

This ancient wisdom is as true today, cast into modern terms, as it was when it was first verbalized sitting around campfires in Stone Age Britain. 

Thank you to our friends in the British Isles who took the time to send us this timely and wise summation --- almost like a postcard from Mom, telling us to wash our socks and repair the foundations of our government. 
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

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  1. There is much more to the Molmutine Laws than Anna has provided here. There are many more triads of law. Note that Anna has not provided a source for this info. If you are interested in reading the info, "Molmutine Laws", for yourself, here is the Wikipedia address to read it. I wouldn't trust any info in which the source is not provided. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molmutine_Laws

  2. The Molmutine Laws are among the texts said to have been "discovered" by the forger Iolo Morganwg around the year 1800. They are given in the form of triads and include:

    There are three tests of civil liberty: equality of rights, equality of taxation, freedom to come and go.
    Three things are indispensable to a true union of nations: sameness of laws, rights, and language.
    There are three things free to all Britons: the forest, the unworked mine, the right of hunting.
    There are three property birthrights of every Briton: five British acres of land for a home, the right of suffrage in the enacting of the laws, the male at twenty-one, the female on her marriage.
    There are three things which every Briton may legally be compelled to attend: the worship of God, military service, the courts of law.
    There are three things free to every man, Briton or foreigner, the refusal of which no law will justify: water from spring, river, or well; firing from a decayed tree; a block of stone not in use.
    There are three classes which are exempt from bearing arms: bards, judges, graduates in law or religion. These represent God and His peace, and no weapon must ever be found in their hands.
    There are three persons who have a right of public maintenance: the old, the babe, the foreigner who can not speak the British tongue.
    There are three things free to a country and its borders: the roads, the rivers, and the places of worship. These are under the protection of God and His peace.[1] (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molmutine_Laws)

  3. Thanks for finding and sharing, Don!


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