Thursday, December 31, 2015

Questions for Judge Anna about the US Postmaster General

Dear Paul:
According to the Civil Order paper issued by Anna, a new postmaster general office was opened in the US and that due corruption the old postmaster general office was vacated. Do you know what vacated means? what is the postmaster general office advertised here:
How is it that this office is still operating if it has been vacated?
Where do we find the source on which to verify the process for becoming a continental USA judge?  
There has to be a wa to show this information to people for educational purpose? 
thank you in advance

Judge Anna Answers:

There are -- at my last count which was several years ago--- no less than seven differently named offices supposedly filled by one man which are all variations of similar words:  United States Postmaster General,  Post Master of the United States, US POSTMASTER,  USA POST MASTER, POST MASTER for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,  Post Master for the United States, and so on. 

These are all basically fraudulent titles employing semantic deceit, referring to private corporate offices in various governmental services corporations.  The office of anything calling itself a "General" anything is Post-Civil War by definition and bears no relationship to the office which the Global Estate Trust and the King of Spain established in (I believe it was) 1754 for the First Trustee of the Land, Benjamin Franklin.