Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Truth and Thomas Deegan by Anna Von Reitz

I realize this is a Thomas Deegan Fan Club Parade, but….this is Judge Anna. Dee-Day is my nickname. I was born on June 6….
The Holy See was a Beneficiary of the fraud and the Pope as the CEO of the Global Estate Trust was bearded in his lair in 2008 and agreed to forgive any “debts” arising from the fraudulent claims made against us and to return all the American property to the Americans. He thereby “redeemed” himself and settled the controversy in our favor and became an ally in the cause of cleaning up the mess, bringing remedy to the people, and disciplining the perpetrators.
Once I have settled an issue with someone with complete agreement to just action, I stop beating them and blaming them. You should, too. All this horrible propaganda against the Church was unleashed by the banks shortly after Benedict took action in our favor and it has continued on relentlessly ever since. That should give you a clue who our real enemies are.
As for Thomas, I tried my best to explain both the history and the jurisdictions and the double-speak names of things, but he would not listen. He had the idea that I was “working for the Pope” and just kept blundering along until he gave them an excuse to arrest him and there he sits. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
Since that time I have continued my labors at my level and considerable headway has been made toward explaining the situation and organizing information and securing allies in the effort worldwide. As I have said from the beginning, it’s NOT just Americans who have been fleeced and abused. Darn near every country on Earth has been all-but tanked by this same fraud and harmed by these same fraudsters.

How you can help us make Peace and real Freedom in the world.

by Anna Von Reitz

PLEASE---- as you can all see, I am dealing with issues on a truly planetary scale. I CANNOT take time out to help with millions of individual foreclosures, custody cases, and other outrages.

I have to keep focused on educating everyone to help themselves at the same time that I have to keep the pressure on people like John Kerry and Ban Ki-Moon and Karen Hudes to make sure that continued misrepresentations of the American People are stopped and the plans of the predatory banking interests are foiled. 
We are currently working with a relatively small pool of expert workers, limited resources, and a monumental task. What I ask of each of you is this: 
(1) read the material I have already placed before you to get a grasp of the history and issues and the nature of "money". Spread the news. Share your new knowledge and the discoveries you will make yourselves with your family, friends, members of your communities, and yes, "the government". We all need to wake up and start working together to put an end to the criminality which has infested the banking industry, the courts, and the corporations providing "governmental services".

Discussion with Neil Keenan, December 22, 2015, from Judge Anna

Dear Neil....
I have thought about banking and credit as little as possible throughout my life. I recognized it as fraud and idolatry at an early age and lost interest as a result, but recent events have forced me to turn my attention to it again and what I have thought is this----
1. Money and credit are both just a symbolic representation of value whether denoted as coin, paper, or numbers in a ledger;
2. The only real things of value on this planet are human labor (which includes our physical energy, our creativity, and inventiveness) and natural resources (which includes what we think of as natural resources and the commodities and products that result from our labor). That's it. There are no other sources of "value" on this planet.
3. That being so, humans have naturally lived together in groups on various land masses and over time have been "defined" as nations with lines dawn on maps dividing them into separate gangs complete with gang "colors"(uniforms, flags, national currencies, etc.) and have competed with each other for natural resources and control of valuable commodities and "turf" just as gangs fight over these things;
4. But money and credit, which "symbolizes" and is used to "translate" into all these things is the ultimate commodity, so control of merely symbolic value has become the ultimate game and source of conflict and woe on this planet;
5. How ignorant, silly, and downright insane is that?