Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's time to take the power away from corrupt judges and give it back to the people

From the Unified New York Supreme Court Bench to Greene County New York Supreme Court

Mandamus to Judge.pdf         and         Mandamus to Clerk.pdf 

Final notice to be delivered by sheriff Monday January 6, 2014.

By what authority, rebuttal      No legal authority.pdf. 

BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them.

These articles were found on the National Liberty Alliance website here:


We have stated many times that the way our country has been changed into a corporation and is being forced into admiralty and civil jurisdictions rather than the Constitutionally mandated common law, has all been done by fraud, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation, and is therefore null and void.

The Writ of Mandamus is one of the solutions to this horrible situation of judicial corruption as is being exercised above.  Read the writs to the judge and clerk above and then the answer to their No Legal Authority argument in the pdf.

These steps are totally lawful and are what is commanded by the 7th amendment to the US Constitution.

"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."

New book on Off Grid Living in Montana making an impact

Off the grid and on target: One man’s response to political correctness

The collapse of civilization is a fun place to visit in movies like “Apocalypse Z” or books like “Alas, Babylon,” but I wouldn’t want to live there.
Rich Scheben, on the other hand, is ready and waiting.
Scheben, of Eureka, Mont., is convinced (and he is not alone in this) that as Americans in general become more and more dependent on the mechanisms of big government and big business for their well-being, the only path to true security in the coming years is going to be self-sufficiency.
That’s why he wrote a book called “One New York Man’s Journey to Off Grid Living in Montana,” and published it himself. As he wrote in the Introduction:
“I just hope that a few folks, here and there, can benefit from the possibility of a new lifestyle: life in which they can have a little more control of their own destiny.”
Scheben has been living off the grid in Eureka since 2007. How he got there makes up the bulk of the introduction and the first two chapters of the book. Scheben tells of growing up in metropolitan New York City, and of his growing disillusionment with East Coast liberal society, plus his years working in what I think he would not mind me calling “the belly of the beast” — corporate America in the form of Big Pharma.
Read the entire article here at the Daily Interlake website:
Get Rich's book here: