Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Phony Rightwing: Rick Santorum, Part 2

Senator Santorum has a mixed record on the second amendment. He claims he's staunchly pro-second amendment. However, in the 90s, he voted to support the Lautenberg Gun Ban, which stripped for life, law-abiding gun owners of their Second Amendment rights, simply because they spanked their children or did nothing more than grab a spouses wrist. He voted for a bill in 1999 disguised as an.....
by Kelleigh Nelson

Mitt Romney a Temple Mormon High Priest?

Forwarded by one of our readers. Offered for your comments.
Mitt isn't JUST a member of the Mormon Church.
Mitt Romney is a Temple Mormon, a High Priest, and as such he has sworn blood oaths of sacrifice, obedience, and consecration to the church and the soon coming, long prophesied "Kingdom of God."
His belief in and obedience to these laws will allow him to become a polygamous god in the next life, the literal father of the peoples of a new and different earth. He wears secret undergarments marked with sacred talismanic symbols that he believes will keep him protected as he works his way to godhood. He is truly a Presidential candidate with an actual, definable god complex.

Temple Elder Mitt Romney's strong candidacy for 2012 and his possible presidency has become a whispered ground swell of speculation in Mormon circles, as they wonder if he is the "one Mighty and Strong" who will usher in the last days and bring America into the LDS "Kingdom of God." These are the whispers that the Brethren hope do not become public but are laid wide open in this chapter:


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Meet your strawman created by your Birth Certificate

This is true in the USA and also around the world. We are chattle property to the banksters.

This is true and the Montana Freemen knew it. It's part of why they were put in jail, to keep them quiet.
I am afraid the only solution is going to be bloody. I don't know of any way to undo this, when most people
don't even know anything about it.
It's NEVER mentioned except by a few hard core patriots around the country.

LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post from this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at http://www.paulstramer.net/. This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2012 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced © The videos are third party and not covered by this legal notice.

Bob Fanning for Governor of Montana

Chuck Baldwin quits for lack of funds from what I am hearing.
Bob Fanning presses onward and wins the debate in Billings.

You should really see what Elias Alias of Oathkeepers has to say about Bob Fanning's platform.
Bob Fanning is the ONLY candidate that will change Montana and give the power back to the people, just like Ron Paul is the only candidate that can beat Obama and change our nation back to FREEDOM and prosperity. Don't miss this blazing article by Elias. What a slam to the phoney RINO Republicans.
They can't argue the issues so they will resort to blasting Bob Fanning's character very soon now.
