Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ben Swann: What The Media Isn't Telling You About The Drug War

I have been saying this for years. Ron Paul has been saying the same for years. Rather than legalizing pot it should be de-criminalized (there is a big difference) and then regulated like alcohol.

Read the comments at this link:

I have never used pot and don't intend to because I don't like what I see it doing to people that do use it.

But it's probably a lot less dangerous than alcohol in the end.  So why is alcohol not illegal? It's because there is a lot more money in pot for the drug rings AND the government by keeping the "war" going.  Just listen to the reality in this video. It might just change some of your thinking about this substance.

Then there is the use of hemp. Instead of pointing out the differences between pot and hemp and allowing farmers to grow this none narcotic crop where they could make good profit like the Canadians do, no they have to keep it illegal to add to the government profit from their phony "drug war". 

We buy roasted hemp seeds and hemp coffee from this company:

Not much of what government says about marijuana is true. They just want their drug war so they can keep confiscating private property and keep getting rich. In fact I would bet that they are in the drug trade up to their eyeballs, if I had the chance to really find that out.

The law that was passed in Montana threatened the fed monopoly on pot, so they raided the growers, and intimidated the lawmakers into changing it.  While I believe the Montana law was not good, and allowed for a local industry where state government was creating it's own monopoly and the prices were still very high and licensing was a racket to make certain people very rich, I still believe that de-criminalization and then regulation to take the high prices down, and perhaps a tax like with alcohol is the best approach.

In any case the violence and the "color of law" plunder of the people has to STOP!
SWAT raids have to stop!  Confiscation has to STOP!  The opportunity for corrupt police to frame innocent people has to STOP!
What happened to freedom in Amerika?

Free Lunch, Corp Welfare, Bill Moyers and David Cay Johnston

A discussion of tax subsidies to large corporations and high income individuals, including "big box" stores and wealthy members of the federal government, at the expense of small businesses and taxpayers. This guy is a socialist but he brings some important facts to the table.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Montana Freemen did what this Australian did.

This video is an amazing and simple step by step road map that seems very similar to what the Montana Freemen had done and the US Corporation could NOT allow this information to come before the public, so they slammed those Freemen into their prisons and 17 years later their leader, Leroy Schweitzer died in their prison.


Frequently Unanswered Questions of the "Australian Government" - a Documentary questioning those claiming Government status as to whether they really are Government. Follow the process of importing a 1959 Chevrolet Corvette as the Department of Transport blocks import, to the Department of Environment getting in the way. Finally, see what happens when "Customs" demands GST and Luxury Car Tax.
A must see for anyone dealing with "Government." 

After watching this video ask yourself the questions "Why are those corporate filings from Australia being filed in Washington DC?  Is Washington DC the headquarters for the world wide corporation? Where is jurisdiction for these acts?  Are the courts in America ruling using the Uniform Commercial Code?  Are the federal courts legitimate? Are they 7th amendment courts?  I think not. What are they then?  Are they using maritime law and international law of the sea?

I said in a previous post that the way they have done this at law is far different than the way they have controlled the political system in this country.

Did the freemen know all this, and is that the reason they were buried in prison by the court system and those who might have a lot to lose if their actions had been exposed?

LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post from this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2012 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced © The videos are third party and not covered by this legal notice.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Citizen's Grand Jury to Investigate Obama Administration

Now we might get some action.


Members of a “citizens’ grand jury” will meet next week in Ocala, Fla., to look at allegations that the “loose lips” of the Obama administration led to the deaths of dozens of members of the U.S. military and the imprisonment of a Pakistan physician who helped locate Osama bin Laden – all to “bolster” the “political agendas” of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

The Zio Election for Hell

How the Zionists Control America and Lead US to Endless War and Bankruptcy!

Go to and get a book titled  "The Mystery of Iniquity"

Then you might be able to understand the big picture from actual history.

How far will the International bankster cabal go to keep their secrets?

This article is true and correct. Check out the story about this bankers kids being killed here:
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Fanning
Subject: Re: Largest racketeering lawsuit in US history names Holder, Geitner,Robert Rubin ,seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters"

This week financial news organization CNBC gave some mainstream attention to the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History, in which “Banksters” and their U.S. racketeering partners are being accused of laundering of 43 trillion dollars worth of ill gotten gains.
The lawsuit is said to involve officials located in the highest offices of government and the financial sector.
Since this information was surprisingly revealed by the mainstream news organization there has been a very suspicious and deadly fallout at the CNBC headquarters.
Within hours the original page for the article was taken down, and CNBC senior vice president Kevin Krim received news that his children were killed under very suspicious circumstances.
It seems that the murder happened first and then the page was removed later.
According to mainstream accounts the children’s nanny is responsible for the murders, allegedly stabbing both children.
However, those same mainstream news sources report the highly unlikely story that the nanny slit her own throat just after committing the homicides.
Police have released very little information and although a wider plot has not been officially implicated, it seems very possible that these murders are a show of force against the press organization for releasing such damning information about the most powerful people in the world.
Here is some more information about the lawsuit from the Wall Street Journal:

27 October 2012

Credibility Trap: Moyers And Barofsky on Failed Reform and Another Financial Crisis

Neil M. Barofsky (born 1970) was the Special United States Treasury Department Inspector General to oversee the Troubled Assets Relief Program into 2011, but submitted his resignation in February. He is a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.Barofsky completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, earning a bachelors degree in economics from Wharton School of Business. He graduated with honors from New York University School of Law in 1995.[1]

[edit] Troubled Asset Relief Program and Special Inspector Generalship
VIDEOThe Bullet and the Bribe

This is the second part of the Moyers interview with Neil Barofsky.
BILL MOYERS: I thought, at the time, this was an incestuous orgy going on there, between inside players at Washington and inside players at Wall Street. Is that too strong?

NEIL BAROFSKY: It's probably not too strong. It's the fact that their ideology matches up. And look, one of the reasons why their ideology matches up is they all come from the same small handful of institutions. And the people I was dealing with on a daily basis came from the same financial institutions that helped cause the financial crisis and were the most generous recipients of bailouts, Goldman Sachs, Bear Sterns, which, of course, had been adopted by J.P. Morgan Chase. Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs, it seemed like every time I turned around, I bumped into someone from Goldman Sachs.

Which is not to single them out. But they all bring that ideology with them, when they come to Washington. It's not like somebody hits them in the head with a magic wand and they give back everything that they've learned and believed in their years of Wall Street. And they bring that ideology with them. And even those who don't come from a specific bank, when you surround yourself, create an echo chamber of likeminded people, it's not terribly surprising that the government policy looks a lot like what the Wall Street institutions themselves would have most desired.

And I think the other side effect of that is that people who are outside of that bubble, people who don't have that background, people like myself as a federal prosecutor or Elizabeth Warren, who was the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel and before that a Harvard professor, that our views, our criticisms, our contrary positions were discounted, mocked, ridiculed, insulted, cursed at, at times. Because there was no-- we didn't have the pedigree in their world to have a meaningful contribution. So what happens is that there's no new ideas that creep in. And you get this very uniform, very non-diverse approach to the problems of finance.

BILL MOYERS: It was puzzling to outsiders like me that you had TARP money being used to concentrate further the size of these banks.

NEIL BAROFSKY: And the granddaddy of all those transactions, Bank of America acquiring Merrill Lynch. And the important thing to remember here is this is not banks gone wild, banks taking the money and saying, "Party time, we're going to consolidate." They did this with the encouragement of the government. And in Bank of America, a little bit with a gun to the head to complete that transaction.

This was the government policy created by the architects, Ben Bernanke who is chair of Federal Reserve, Tim Geithner, who was then the president of the New York Fed before becoming Treasury Secretary, and Hank Paulson. Their solution originally was to further concentrate the industry, to make the too big to fail banks bigger.

The theory was you take a healthier bank and mix it up with a failing bank and you get something somewhere in between, which is better overall for the system. Which may have had some validity in the very, very short term, but has put us on a path, I believe, to being even more dangerous. Because you have institutions now that are just monstrous in size, over $2 trillion in assets by certain measures, close to $4 trillion by other measures. Terrifying. The idea that any of these institutions could ever be allowed to fail is pure fantasy, at this point.

BILL MOYERS: Are you suggesting that we could have another crash?
NEIL BAROFSKY: I think it's inevitable. I mean, I don't think how you can look at all the incentives that were in place going up to 2008 and see that in many ways they've only gotten worse and come to any other conclusion.

BILL MOYERS: What do you mean incentives in place?

NEIL BAROFSKY: So in a normal functioning capitalist utopia, where, you know, most markets are that don't have this too big to fail, this presumption of government bailout if a firm like a Citigroup amasses massive amounts of risk. And in so doing, they keep razor-thin capital to absorb potential losses, which basically means they're just borrowing tons and tons of money.

And not have a lot of their own money at stake, but it's mostly borrowed money. And it is very opaque. It's not very transparent about how they're running their business. You would expect that creditors, people lending them money, counterparties, those on the other sides of their transactions would either stay away or really exact a premium. But the presumption of bailout changes that on its head and actually makes it go in the other direction. So it removes the incentive of the other market participants to impose what's known as market discipline. Because that's ideally in a capitalist society what happens is that the lenders and creditors and counterparties say, "Hey, we're not going to do business with you unless you clean house, slim down, be more transparent."

But when there's a presumption of bailout, that disappears. Because all those other market players can feel safe in the presumption that if anything goes bad at Citigroup, Uncle Sam is going to come in and make their bets whole.

Then you have the very real incentive for the executives at that institution to then pile on risk. Because they know that if the bets go well in the short term, they get paid. And they get paid very richly. But if it blows up and the risks go bad, no worry, the taxpayer's going to be on the other side of that bill.

That's what happened to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, before they collapsed. That's what happened to our biggest banks and global banks before they collapsed. And if you maintain that system, it is foolhardy to think that those incentives and pressures are not once again going to carry the day.

BILL MOYERS: At a conference a week or so ago, here in New York, you said playing ball for Wall Street has become a normal way of life, despite the panic of 2008. What does it mean, "playing ball for Wall Street"?

NEIL BAROFSKY: Well, what I saw when I was in Washington was this real pressure on myself, on other regulators to essentially keep their tone down. And I was told point blank by Assistant Secretary of the Treasury that, this is about in 2010.

And he said to me, he said, "Neil, you're a smart guy. You're a young guy. You're a talented guy. You got your whole future in front of you. You've got a young family that's starting out. But you're doing yourself real harm.” And the reason why you're doing yourself real harm is the harsh tone that I had towards the government as well as to Wall Street, based on what I was seeing down in Washington. And he told me that if I wanted to get a job out on the Street afterwards, it was going to really be hard for me.

BILL MOYERS: You mean on Wall Street?

NEIL BAROFSKY: Yes. And I explained to him that I wasn't really interested in that. And he said, "Well, maybe a judgeship. Maybe an appointment from the Obama administration for a federal judgeship." And I said, "Well, again, that would be great. But I don't really think that's going to happen with my criticisms." And he said it didn't have to be that way. "If all you do is soften your tone, be a little bit more upbeat, all this stuff can happen for you."

And that's what I meant by playing ball. I was essentially told, play ball, soften your tone, and all of these good things can happen to you. But if you stay harsh that was going to cause me real harm in those words.

BILL MOYERS: What made you able to say no to the temptation?

NEIL BAROFSKY: Well, I think part of it is the only job I ever wanted was to be a federal prosecutor.

BILL MOYERS: Send bad guys to jail?

NEIL BAROFSKY: It doesn't get much better than that. Really interesting, complicated work, and wear the white hat. So I didn't have those incentives that I think that were presented. And I think, look, you know, being trained in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, I was trained to be a government employee and to take my oath of office very seriously.

But I wasn't really interested in their reindeer games. And I felt a real obligation and sense of duty to fulfill the oath that I took in Secretary Paulson's office on December 15th, 2008 to do the job that I was sent down there to do. But I wasn't really tempted with a big job on Wall Street. And frankly, if it meant getting a judgeship, compromising the job that I needed to do and was supposed to do, it just wasn't interesting to me.

But look, let me be very clear. I also have the fallback of I was a trial lawyer. I prosecuted a lot of big cases. And I knew that whatever happened, I could always go back and get a good job in New York, working at a law firm or doing legal work. So it gave me a degree of financial freedom even though I basically spent most of my career as a government employee and I didn’t have money. I didn't necessarily need to please anyone to be able to go back and still be able to feed my family.

BILL MOYERS: What happens to a political society, to a democracy, when we stifle or bribe or shoot the sheriff?
NEIL BAROFSKY: When I had my incident with the assistant secretary that my deputy, who had come down from-- who's another former federal prosecutor, who did narcotics work, said to me, Kevin Puvalowski. And he said to me, "Neil, you were just offered the bullet or the bribe, the gold or the lead."
And what he was referring to was a society just like that, which was Colombia, back in the day when Pablo Escobar and the drug kingpins really controlled society. And what he was referring to is that basically to corrupt society Escobar would go to a magistrate or a police officer, police chief, a politician, and say, "You have two choices. You can either take this giant pile of money and do my bidding. Or you can get the lead, a bullet in your head."
And Kevin was joking that I just received the Washington white collar equivalent of the gold or the lead. And it was funny, at the time, but that's kind of what happens in a society where the rewards and incentives are, again, nobody's getting shot in the head thank goodness. But it's a breakdown of the system.

And in some ways, it creates this false illusion that there are people out there looking out for the interest of taxpayers, the checks and balances that are built into the system are operational, when in fact they're not. And what you're going to see and what we are seeing is it'll be a breakdown of those governmental institutions. And you'll see governments that continue to have policies that feed the interests of -- and I don't want to get clichéd, but the one percent or the .1 percent -- to the detriment of everyone else.

BILL MOYERS: You make it clear in the book that the Obama administration fought against cutting down the size of these banks. And yet, in the second debate with Mitt Romney the president said, "We passed the toughest Wall Street reform since the Great Depression." As I hear you, it wasn't all that tough.

NEIL BAROFSKY: Well, that's a literally true statement. Because when you think of-- but it's a very low bar to clear. I mean, all of the regulatory reform since the Great Depression has been peeling back on those regulations. With really the big death knell happening in the end of the Clinton administration with, you know, a couple of bills, one that removed the last vestiges of the separation between commercial and investment banks.

BILL MOYERS: Glass-Steagall Act?

NEIL BAROFSKY: Glass-Steagall.

BILL MOYERS: It took down the wall between those two?

NEIL BAROFSKY: The last part of it. And then the second part by passing a bill that made it, essentially made derivatives out of bounds for regulation. So saying that it's the toughest is literally true. The problem is it hasn't been tough enough in where it most matters.

And again, you don't really have to take my word for it. You just look what the market has done. Based on the presumption of bailout, the banks get higher ratings from the credit rating agencies which means they can borrow money for less, because their debt is viewed by the credit rating agencies as being less risky. And they get these higher ratings on explicit presumption that the government will bail them out and make good on their debt.

So it didn't deliver the goods where it matters the most. Again, not saying that it doesn't have some good positive things for our system and for people. But it didn't deliver the most important thing that we need if we want to address the causes of the last crisis and help prevent the next one.

BILL MOYERS: What will it take to prevent the next one?

NEIL BAROFSKY: Got to break them up. I mean, it is not a simple thing to accomplish, necessarily. But it's a very simple solution. And what you see, I think, kind of amazingly, is how many more people have come to this view over the last year or so. It used to be a lonely perch that we sat on. Former special inspector generals, a couple of academics.

But now you have people like Sandy Weill, the architect of Citigroup. And sure, too little too late, after he made all of his money off creating these Frankenstein monsters. But even he now recognizes that we have to break up the banks. You have senior officials at the Federal Reserve recently coming out in favor of this. The vice chair of the FDIC, a very strong advocate for breaking up the banks. And you hear it a lot more in members of Congress-- that are supporting this notion. So to me, on the one hand, it's absolutely essential. If we really want to get to the point where we don't have to bailout a bank, we have to make it so that no bank is so systemically significant and large that its failure could bring down the system.

BILL MOYERS: Are they up to their old tricks?

NEIL BAROFSKY: The banks? Sure. I mean, you know, so we had this regulatory reform of Dodd-Frank in 2010, which, you know, left them intact and inside. But it had all of these rules and all of these regulations that needed to follow. And right now it is hand to hand, trench warfare, combat with those lobbyists spending all that money on campaign contributions, on, you know, flooding the decision makers and the regulators with comment letters and endless meetings.

And pressuring members of Congress to put pressure on the regulators, to water down the rules, to basically get as much back to the good old days where they would have free reign to print money, take advantage of their too big to fail status, bully and push out the little guys, take advantage of consumers. And that's what all of these efforts area about are to preserve these very, very core profit streams that they had before.

And that's right now is where the battle is being waged. Not on TV, you know, not necessarily out in front, but behind the scenes where the next set of rules are being forged on what they're going to be able to do and how they're going to be able to do it...

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Robert Fanning <> wrote:
press release
Oct. 25, 2012, 2:09 p.m. EDT

Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury

NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests.
In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver - Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money in a racketeering enterprise participated in by the following individuals (without limitation): Attorney General Holder acting in his individual capacity, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris (both acting in their individual capacities), Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary (acting in his individual capacity), Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former "communications director" for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the "Banksters" themselves, and their affiliates and conduits. The lawsuit alleges serial violations of the United States Patriot Act, the Policy of Embargo Against Iran and Countries Hostile to the Foreign Policy of the United States, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (commonly known as the RICO statute) and other State and Federal laws.
In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under other taxpayer recompense laws -- has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters" and their co-conspirators, seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the "bailout programs" by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other "bailout money" advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress. Because the Obama Administration has failed to pursue any of the "Banksters" criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr. Obama's campaign from these same "Banksters" to finance its political aspirations, the national group of plaintiff home owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the "Bankster" Defendants.
The complaint - which has now been fully served on thousands of the "Banksters and their Co-Conspirators" - makes it irrefutable that the epicenter of this laundering and racketeering enterprise has been and continues to be Wall Street and continues to involve the very "Banksters" located there who have repeatedly asked in the past to be "bailed out" and to be "bailed out" in the future.
The Havens for the money laundering schemes - and certain of the names and places of these entities - are located in such venues as Switzerland, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Cypress and entities controlled by governments adverse to the interests of the United States Sanctions and Embargo Act against Iran, and are also identified in both the United Nations and the U.S. Senate's recent reports on international money laundering. Many of these entities have already been personally served with summons and process of the complaint during the last six months. It is now beyond dispute that, while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners by "Banksters", it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole trillions of dollars of home owners' and taxpayers' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies.
This District Court Complaint - maintained by Spire Law Group, LLP -- is the only lawsuit in the world listing as Defendants the Banksters, let alone serving all of such Banksters with legal process and therefore forcing them to finally answer the charges in court. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor the Office of the Attorney General, nor any State Attorney General has sued the Banksters and thereby legally chased them worldwide to recover-back the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) and other lawful damages, injunctive relief and other legal remedies.
James N. Fiedler, Managing Partner of Spire Law Group, LLP, stated: "It is hard for me to believe as a 47-year lawyer that our nation's guardians have been unwilling to stop this theft. Spire Law Group, LLP stands for the elimination of corruption and implementation of lawful strategies, and that is what we're doing here. Spire Law Group, LLP's charter is to not allow such corruption to go unanswered."
Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals' offices in NY, CA, NV, NH , OH, MA and the White House, but no comment was provided.
About Spire Law Group
Spire Law Group, LLP is a national law firm whose motto is "the public should be protected -- at all costs -- from corruption in whatever form it presents itself." The Firm is comprised of lawyers nationally with more than 250-years of experience in a span of matters ranging from representing large corporations and wealthy individuals, to also representing the masses. The Firm is at the front lines litigating against government officials, banks, defunct loan pools, and now the very offshore entities where the corruption was enabled and perpetrated.
Contact: James N. Fiedler877-438-8766
SOURCE Spire Law Group, LLP
Copyright (C) 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved
Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice? Senator Tester is on United States Senate Banking Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection &United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs . Wonder who is paying for all the attack ads on Rehberg?  Scroll down.

 Eric Holder, a former Clinton Justice official who, after a career in government, joined the Washington office of Covington & Burling, a top-tier law firm with an elite white-collar defense unit. The move to Covington, and back to Justice, is an example of Washington's revolving-door ritual, which, for Holder, has been lucrative--he pulled in $2.1 million as a Covington partner in 2008, and $2.5 million (including deferred compensation) when he left the firm in 2009.

Peter Schweizer: Congress's Corruption Racket
Putting a Covington partner--he spent nearly a decade at the firm--in charge of Justice may have sent a signal to the financial community, whose marquee names are Covington clients. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Deutsche Bank are among the institutions that pay for Covington's legal advice, some of it relating to matters before the Department of Justice. But Holder's was not the only face at Justice familiar to Covington clients. Lanny Breuer, who had co-chaired the white-collar defense unit at Covington with Holder, was chosen to head the criminal division at Obama's Justice.
Begin @ 12 minutes
Those wondering why the Department of Justice has refused to go after Jon Corzine for the vaporization of $1.6 billion in MF Global client funds need look no further than the documents uncovered by the Government Accountability Institute that reveal that the now-defunct MF Global was a client of Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer’s former law firm, Covington & Burling.
(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department's criminal division, were partners for years at a Washington law firm that represented a Who's Who of big banks and other companies at the center of alleged foreclosure fraud, a Reuters inquiry shows.
The firm, Covington & Burling, is one of Washington's biggest white shoe law firms. Law professors and other federal ethics experts said that federal conflict of interest rules required Holder and Breuer to recuse themselves from any Justice Department decisions relating to law firm clients they personally had done work for.

Both the Justice Department and Covington declined to say if either official had personally worked on matters for the big mortgage industry clients. Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said Holder and Breuer had complied fully with conflict of interest regulations, but she declined to say if they had recused themselves from any matters related to the former clients.

Reuters reported in December that under Holder and Breuer, the Justice Department hasn't brought any criminal cases against big banks or other companies involved in mortgage servicing, even though copious evidence has surfaced of apparent criminal violations in foreclosure cases.
The evidence, including records from federal and state courts and local clerks' offices around the country, shows widespread forgery, perjury, obstruction of justice, and illegal foreclosures on the homes of thousands of active-duty military personnel.     Begin @ 12 minutes UMKC William K. Black , Ph.D, J.D Pond scum govt regulators @13 minutes Bruers prosecution deferment agreements exposed
Former FDIC Chair Shiela Bair ; "all the TARP, the #1 purpose was to bail out CitiGroup, the financial system has been criminalized."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Last Sunday in October. Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ King.

This feast was instituted by Pope Pius XI at the close of the Holy Year, 1925. The purpose of the Holy Father was to bring home to all mankind the fact that Christ is King not merely over individuals, but over families and societies, over states and nations, over rulers and tribunals as well.  The duty of Christians is to hasten the return of the world to His authority by their prayers, their influence and their actions.
They are reminded that they must courageously fight under His royal banner, with the weapons of the spirit, for the rights of God and of His Church.
The last Sunday of October was chosen for the feast, the Sunday preceding All Saints, because during this month the liturgical year draws to its close and thus the mysteries of Jesus Christ are fittingly completed and crowned by the liturgical festival of Christ, the King.  On the same day also will annually take place the consecration of mankind to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Christ is proclaimed King of all mankind both in the Old and New Testament.  David, Isaias, Daniel, and Zacharias in plainest terms predicted the kingship or the kingdom of the future Messias. At the coming of Christ the Angel Gabriel announced that "of His Kingdom there shall be no end." The Savior Himself declared His kingship before Pilate.  But His kingdom, though in this world, was not to be of this world.
As man He is Lord over all kings and over all human possessions.  Yet He is "King of kings and Lord of lords," and on the last day He will present Himself together with His kingdom to His Father, when all His enemies shall have been put under His feet.
Devotion to Christ as King is not new, but the Church has given to it a great liturgical solemnity in the present feast.

Introit. Apoc. 5, 12; 1,6
The Lamb that was slain is worthy to receive power, and divinity, and wisdom, and strength, and honor. To Him be glory and empire for ever and ever.  Ps. 71,1. Give to the King Thy Judgment, O God: and to the King's Son Thy justice.  Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Almighty and eternal God, Who hast wished to restore all things through Thy beloved Son, the King of the universe, graciously grant that all the families of the Gentiles separated by the wound of sin, may be subjected to His most loving dominion, Who with Thee liveth, and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

Epistle. Col. 1, 12-20
Lesson from the Epistle of blessed Paul the Apostle to the Colossians.
Brethren, we give thanks to God the Father, Who hath made us worthy to be partakers of the lot of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.  In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the remission of sins; Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature; for in Him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and in Him.  And He is before all, and by Him all things consist.  And He is the head of the body, the Church, Who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He may hold the primacy: because in Him, it hath well pleased the Father, that all fullness should dwell; and through Him to reconcile all things unto Himself, making peace through the blood of His cross, both as to the things that are on earth, and the things that are in heaven, in Christ Jesus Our Lord.

Gradual. Ps. 71, 8,11
He shall rule from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.  And all kings of the earth shall adore Him: all nations shall serve Him.

Alleluia, alleluia. Dan.7.14. His power is an everlasting power that shall not be taken away: and His kingdom that shall not be destroyed. Alleluia. Apoc. 19,16. He hath on His garment, and on His thigh written: King of kings, and Lord of lords, Alleluia.

Tract. Ps. 88, 27, 28, 30
He shall cry out to Me: Thou art My Father: My God, and the support of My salvation. And I will make Him My firstborn, high above the kings of the earth.  And I will make His seed to endure for evermore: and His throne as the days of heaven.

Gospel. John 18, 33-37
Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. John.
At that time: Pilate said to Jesus: Art thou the King of the Jews?  Jesus answered: Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or have others told it thee of Me? Pilate answered: Am I a Jew? Thy own nation, and the chief priests, have delivered thee up to me: what hast thou done?  Jesus answered: My Kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, My servants would certainly strive that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now My kingdom is not from hence.  Pilate therefore said to him:  Art thou a king then?  Jesus answered: Thou sayest that I am a King.  For this was I born, and for this came I into the word; that I should give testimony to the truth, Everyone that is of the truth, heareth My voice.

Offertory. Ps. 2,8
Ask of Me, and I will give The Gentiles for Thy inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for Thy possession.

O Lord, we offer Thee this host for the reconciliation of humanity; grant, we beseech Thee, that Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Whom we immolate in this sacrifice, will bestow on all Gentiles the gifts of unity and peace, Who with Thee liveth, and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

Communion. Ps. 28, 10, 11
The Lord shall sit King forever. The Lord will bless His people with peace.

Fed with this immortal nourishment, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we who glory to fight under the standard of Christ the King, may forever reign with Him on the heavenly throne. Who with Thee liveth, and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

20 Lies Every American Should Know About!

Keywords to search for on the Internet. 20 lies that you need to know about.

"It astonishes me to find... [that so many] of our countrymen... should be contented to live under a system which leaves to their governors the power of taking from them the trial by jury in civil cases, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of commerce, the habeas corpus laws, and of yoking them with a standing army. This is a degeneracy in the principles of liberty... which I [would not have expected for at least] four centuries." - Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1788

"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education." - Thomas Jefferson, letter to William C. Jarvis, September 28, 1820

"There has never been a golden age of liberty, and there never will be. People who value freedom will always have to defend it from those who claim the right to wield power over others." - David Boaz

Obama targets his opponents using the IRS audit

I Am On Obama’s Enemies List I Am On Obama’s Enemies List »
I've gone through an almost two-year ordeal with the IRS which, I believe, was triggered by my vocal criticism of the Obama Administration. Americans need to hear this story of a small-business owner with an unblemished tax record suddenly facing this kind of harassment, persecution and intimidation.  More »

Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama - Is this his agenda?

Agenda:  Grinding America Down 
Inside information from someone who was there.
How to destroy any nation including America in a few years without firing a shot.
This is how they did it to you on a public level.
How they did it at law is another story.

Texas Says No Way, Jose to U.N. Election Monitors

Don't mess with Texas. It's a slogan that not only applies to littering on state roads, but also regarding unwanted interference by the United Nations. Left wing groups have enlisted the U.N. to help monitor American elections, and Texas' attorney general is having no part of it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Greg Evensen, former Kansas State Trooper pulls no punches in this hard hitting article.

The money, power and control syndicate that runs the government, the courts, the military, federal agencies, banks, education, the health care system, the pulpits, media and now EVERY facet of our lives, said their good-bys to America and laughed as they passed the remains of our nation, to be viewed by the post mortem exam team-----------us.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mexican Point of View of Obama´s Presidency

This is a critical message from Mexico on why NOT to vote for Obama!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are you legally dead in their maritime courts?

Rough language in the movies but,
You are going to love this. Somebody figured out the phoney jurisdiction.
This is how they defraud you of your property and set maritime leans against your property.
You are legally dead. This is how they do it.
: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7:10:40 AMSubject: [RedemptionByMethod] End Game Call 
Here is a call from earlier with Boris. The attachment is a doc Boris made to out line everything.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

You need to correct this record that in fact you are NOT dead.

IRS manual - An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of a 
trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship that has yet to receive an SSN.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A New player in Silver price manipulation?

The collapse of silver manipulation is coming soon. There are many players and all are in trouble now.
When the manipulation ends silver could go to $200 per ounce within a few weeks due to the fundamentals that normally control the price.
Here is Bix Weir's take on it.

From: Bix Weir <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 10:20 AM
Subject: ALERT: The New Silver Rigger Being Taken Out!

Last week I sent out an alert to all Private Road Members that Citibank was the NEW SILVER RIGGER on the block. Here was the analysis on how I figured it out (for Private Road Members)...

ALERT: Silver Short Hot Potato Being Passed Again!
Bix Weir

There's a New Silver Rigger In Town!
For years I have laid out how the silver short position is a "Company Killer". Ted Butler has shown how it has been passed from Drexel Burnham to AIG to Bear Stearns to JP Morgan and now, as JP Morgan begins to stumble, it seems the transition is happening once again. Each and every time the company holding the short has IMPLODED in a heap of rubble.
Since the 1st quarter of 2012 there has been some basic changes in the market structure of those that hold the manipulative silver shorts. I'm not talking about the COMEX short but rather the Over the Counter Derivative market that is recorded at the Office of the Comptroller of Currency of the United States. Although it's true that JP Morgan's position has increased from $16.4B to $18.5B by July 1st there is a brand new manipulative short in the game...
...believe it or not it's the Poster Child for government bailouts CITIBANK!
According to the OCC, Citibank has increased their exposure to silver derivatives MASSIVELY over the first two quarters of 2012. Here's the facts on table 9 (PREC METALS is mainly Silver):
1/1/2012 $44 million
3/31/2012 $5.7 Billion
6/30/2012 $9.5 Billion
At $35/oz the $9.5B represents 270M ounces of silver derivatives added in the first 2 quarters of 2012.
Remember, it was March 2012 when JP Morgan's troubles began in their derivative book with the "London Whale". The rumors are that these derivatives are linked to silver. This is the same time that Blythe Masters had to come on TV to declare that they don't rig the silver market. This is also the same time that Citbank began to build it's monument to silver derivatives rapidly catching up to JP Morgan.
It is clear to me that the baton of silver rigging is once again getting passed on. The next report will be very telling if Citi continues to build this monstrosity to silver market manipulation.
More on this as events transpire.
My the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

Today comes the shocking news that the CEO and COO of Citibank have ABRUPTLY RESIGNED!
Shocker at Citigroup as CEO Vikram Pandit Abruptly Resigns
It will be impossible for JPM and Citigroup to unwind their silver rigging positions so be ready for the silver take off!

We are in the last moments of the MAJOR BATTLE for our freedom.
Buckle up for a WILD end of the year! Stay tuned on the Road to Roota for all the action :-)
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir


So you don't think there will be violence on the streets of Amerika?

Read this and get ready to defend yourself.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Jury Nullification Continues to Gain Traction Across the United States

Currently FIJA bills have been introduced in Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and South Dakota.

The most important of all the Bill of Rights is the 7th Amendment.

" In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."

This means that government must bring its case before a jury of The People if government wants to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property.  Jurors can say no to government tyranny by refusing to convict.

Bombshell: Rod Class gets FOURTH Administrative Ruling "Gov't Offices are Vacant"- All Gov't Officials are "Private Contractors"

Yes, you read that correctly; it is true, and is now on the court record; black ink on white paper. Please read on:
A lot of us have been exposing the crime of the UNITED STATES corporation for many years, but until recently, no one has had the proof that all government offices are vacant; no one is home; those supposed government offices/agencies are being occupied by PRIVATE CONTRACTORS and are NOT being occupied by a legitimate government body.
This is equivalent to the ice cream man knocking on your door and extorting taxes from you. He has no lawful authority to do anything other than drive the ice cream truck - he's not a government official; he's an ice cream man.
Your supposed government officials are nothing more than ice cream men/women who are fraudulently extorting money from you and your family; throwing you in prison; taxing you to death; stealing your children and imposing their will on you, and enforcing their own internal-statutory rules and codes upon you and your family.
Rod Class has now received FOUR Administrative Rulings that prove what many of us have felt to be truth: What you think is government; what you think are legitimate Government Officials/Senators/Congressman/Policeman/Governors/Tax Collectors, etc. are nothing more than private contractors, extorting money from American Citizens and failing to pay off the public debt as they are instructed to do by the 1933 bankruptcy.
What they have done is this:
These people have switched places with the average American Citizen. They are enforcing their own Administrative codes, that are only meant for THEM, upon regular Citizens who are not being paid by the corporation. The supposed elected officials have hoodwinked the country into an employment position without pay. They themselves are taking public money to occupy government seats/positions/agencies, when they are nothing more than private contractors ... Felony!
They are treating us as if we are paid government employees; enforcing their own internal rules-regulations-codes, and statutes on the average Citizen, as well as conveniently forgetting to send us our weekly/monthly government employment check.
I've been preaching this for the last year + with no avail on this forum. Perhaps now, people will begin to listen and take action.
In these radio shows, Rod explains his Administrative Rulings from the various Judges; explains the con, and shows you, where in their very own US Codes the above aforementioned information is spot on.
There are a few shows you need to listen to, and here are some bullet points of those shows:
1. All BAR attorneys are prohibited from representing John Q. Public; can only represent gov't officials and employees within their own agencies, their BAR Charter says so.
2. Any Judge that prohibits you from representing yourself or hiring a defense other than a BAR attorney, are in fact, committing a felony on the bench in violation of the Taft-Hartly Act (running a closed union shop) and the Smith Act (overthrow of Constitutional form of Gov't)
3. Anytime an BAR attorney represents someone in a case against you, you can now claim that person is incompetent; a ward of the state, with no standing to sue.
4. Any and all tax collectors, police officers, sheriffs dept's, DOT, tag agencies, BAR attorneys, Judges, Highway Patrol, supposed elected officials, are nothing more than private contractors, who can now be brought up on fraud charges for impersonating a public official while receiving federal funding.
5. Any and all home, vehicle, credit card loans are supposed to be discharged through the Treasury window, in compliance with the 1933 bankruptcy laws. These scumbags are double dipping and never discharging the debt like they are supposed to. They are embezzling the funds and pocketing them for themselves.
6. Every person sitting in prison today was railroading by a BAR attorney who's first allegiance is to the State; who had no lawful authority to represent them; who worked in concert with the State to perpetrate a fraud upon it's victims.
7. Orders from Administrative courts prove for the fourth time, an agency of the State is NOT an agency under the State.
8. Elected Officials are claiming 11th Amendment sovereignty, when it's actually you and I that hold 11th Amendment sovereignty. They are getting paid by the corporation, you and I are not.
9. They have admitted to the crime of no one actually holding a public office; they are filling corporate seats and defrauding the public.
10. Political subdivisions are not getting their 40% funding from the Feds as they are supposed to get.
11. These Judges have admitted (black ink on white paper) that all these State Offices are ........... EMPTY!
12. Now we have Administrative paperwork - ruling these public offices aren't part of the State agencies.
13. Attorney Generals may not practice law; can't represent the people who are not public officials.
14. If the State is a 3rd party interloper in your Marriage (marriage license); Vehicle Title (State Registration), etc. then they are liable for 1/3rd of the cost to manage the daily activities of that contract.
15. If the State demands you have a Drivers License and Tag your vehicle because it is registered with the State, then as the owner of the vehicle, the State is required to pay for the vehicle, the tags, licensing, fuel, tires, oil, etc. and they are also to pay you a salary for driving a State owned vehicle; it says so in their own Highway Safety Act and USC - CFR rules and regulations.
16. We now have the court orders that goes back and nullifies any and all IRS and Tax cases, Foreclosures, Credit Card Debt, cases or actions. These people never had the lawful right to demand anything of you; they are corporate actors, not a legitimate government body.
17. Judge admits the 1933 bankruptcy, and no way to pay off anything because of Federal Reserve Notes; all public debt is t be discharged through the Treasury.
18. Only the Secretary of Transportation can hear traffic cases; all traffic cases are civil, not criminal.
19. If you're not being paid for you time, you are not required to have one of their CDL or CMV licenses; it's prohibited.
20. Says we now have a major labor dispute on our hands; US corporation running a slave racket against American Citizens without the pay.
21. United States Codes (USC) and Titles #1 thru #50 are void; have never been passed by Congress; all have been repealed.
As I've been saying for a very long time on this forum: If you are not getting a weekly or monthly paycheck from the so called federal government aka UNITED STATES or one of it's sub corporations such as the STATE OF ***, then their statutory rules (not laws), codes and regulations DO NOT APPLY TO YOU ......... Period!
There is so much information packed into these last six calls, I can't even begin to share it in this post. If you want your freedom; if you want to know with 100% surety that the foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES has zero authority over you unless you are receiving a weekly paycheck from them, take the time to listen to call #646 through #651 here:
Scroll down the page and click on the orange "Listen" button; a pop up player will appear for your listening pleasure.
And believe me: This is pure listening pleasure, with the court filings; rulings and US Code to back it all up.
By the time you finish these few short shows, your fear of the government will be a thing of the past.
Also, many of Rod’s current filings against the infrastructure are at: ...some may be easy to download, some may not !
And for those of you who are new to the forum and want to get a better grasp of all this prior to or after listening to the calls, here are some of my more informative posts on the matter at hand:
Public Notice to Gun Grabbing Politicians:
So the Government wants you to collect a sales tax?
Your Home Loan was paid the day you signed the note:
The real reason for the 14th Amendment:
What's the One Document in your possession that gives you the authority to rule over my life?
Can the State be an actual injured party? ..... No, it cannot!
Having a Social Security # is not a contract with the State/Feds:
Trust Law, your Rights and how to enforce them:
Why you should never hire an attorney:
Hopefully now in light of these Administrative Court Rulings people will now come to realize the fact, that Unless You Are Getting A Weekly Check From Government, Their Statutory Rules-Codes-Regulations They Put Off As Laws, Have Zero Force Or Effect On You Personally
No Contract = No Jurisdiction
Did you fill out an employment contract with the State; are they paying you for your services? If not, why the hell are you following their rules?
This is how we change our current form of Government back to the Republic is was initially intended to be.
If you don't take the time to listen to at least those last six shows at the link above, you are overlooking the most important information ever to come to light within the Liberty Movement.
Stop looking for a savior to save us from tyranny and listen to the shows I've provided. Now you are your own savior - Individually, now you can make a HUGE difference in our political structure and form of government.
In Liberty!