Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama, Fall of The Republic! HQ full length version.

The new DVD "Obama, Fall of The Republic" is now on Youtube in it's full High Quality version and full length so it can be watched without interruption.


Everyone needs to watch this extremely important video to understand who is pulling the strings on Obama, and how this is being done to us. When he gets done, if you let him, we will have a totally communist country, and Obama thinks he is going to be the first DICTATOR OF THE WORLD!

I've got news for him. In any takeover by communists, those officials who have helped sell their own country down the drain are the first to get a bullet in the head from their own bosses, because the bosses know their puppets can't be trusted, if they were willing to turn on their own countrymen. If you don't believe it just go to Google.com and type in Communist Purges in the search box, and study the history of communist takeovers in the last 70 years.

I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for Obama's life right now, and it's not in danger from the patriot community, but from his own handlers. He is going too fast even for them, and waking up a lot of people.
Even though they know they are in the end game, total world takeover has never been attempted before.
They are on very thin ice, and they know it, and Obama is like a bull  in a China closet with his openly Marxist actions. He is breaking the glass every day, with cabinet members falling like flies.

Please know that the rule of law is catching up with this totalitarian regime and they know it. You will see people go stark raving mad right in front of your eyes before this is over.
Publish this video everywhere, world wide. Especially make sure your close neighbors watch it.

Sincerely yours in law and order and the rule of law,
Paul Stramer

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