Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Do We Fear the Word Militia? What Does it Mean Anyway? And Who is Feeding you this FEAR?

The Word on the Street about anything associated with "Militia" was that it is "Anti-Government" - well what exactly is that? Does that mean you don't agree with all the Government Tells you, asks of YOU, Flat Out Demands of You.. I don't know anyone that agrees with EVERYTHING the Government Does, so I guess everyone is, well, Anti-Government.

So does Anti-Government mean some sort of Fear to the People, that some group of Psycho Vigilante Citizens is going to overthrow local government? Like What, the Commissioners, .. the Governor.. maybe the Mayor? I mean Really.

What is the Real Fear to all this?

Read the whole article here:


If our Constitution is to have any legitimacy, Obama/Soetoro must be removed from office. It doesn't matter if a long form birth certificate is produced that can be independently authenticated which shows he was born in Kenya, Kansas or Hawaii -- it is his father's status that makes Obama/Soetoro forever ineligible. He was born with dual citizenship and no amount of lies, twisting the truth with silliness about his mother 'gifting' citizenship to her son can change that one fact. Should an authentic birth certificate prove he was born in Kenya, that will further cement what millions know: Obama/Soetoro is a master liar who has shamelessly manipulated the American people for his own gain.

By: Devvy September 17, 2009
Read it all here: