Monday, September 14, 2009

Why continue to use worthless paper as money?

The Patriotic and Moral Imperative for Owning Gold and Silver
by Johnny Silver Bear

Practically all of the problems in our country can be attributed to the continuing subjugation of the U.S. Constitution. (The constitution mandates only Gold and Silver coin as legal tender.)  Had the remedies for such actions, which are provided in the text of the Constitution, been applied, many of our former, (as well as current), leaders would have been prosecuted and removed from public office. One of the main reasons that the American people have allowed the wholesale dismantling of their freedoms and liberties stems from the effectiveness of the all pervasive misinformation campaign that has been waged for over 100 years. We are not being shepherded by altruistic wise men, but, rather, herded by megalomaniacal desperadoes.

"If one half of one percent of Americans each went out and bought ten ounces of silver, that would amount to 14,000,000 ounces of silver. COMEX has much less than 100,000,000 ounces of silver available. That much buying pressure would have an explosive effect on the price. This could force the hand of the cartel and help change the world for the better."

Kenneth Parsons, aka Johnny Silver Bear, is an IT professional in Texas and the President of Silver Bear Communications, Inc. Mr. Parsons has been involved in the advertising and promotion industry for over twenty-five years. He is the editor of the Silver Bear Cafe and, as such, is responsible for shaping the content of "The Bear." Mr. Parsons has served as CEO for Fiberscape Communications, Inc., a web site development / hosting and streaming multi-media company in Richardson, Texas since 1997. He is a Jeffersonian and a passionate supporter of the U.S. Constitution. He is also an outspoken advocate of gold money and equal tax rates. You can contact Mr. Parsons with questions or comments via email.

Read the whole article here: